

Innovation Management Study 2019

Based on a research on middle and large companies, the summary of Innovation Management study contains the main conclusions on questions such as: Is innovation important for companies? Do they measure it? Do they encourage initiatives towards building a innovative culture at work?

We conducted the research based on a questionnaire consisting of 45 questions, divided into 3 categories:
• Vision and Strategy in relation to Innovation,
• Organizational Development in relation to Innovation,
• Human Resources related actions towards Innovation.

The questionnaire was posted online using Google Forms, in English language.
The questionnaire was directed to medium and large companies (250 –10.000 employees), being addressed to CXOs, Innovation directors, Research & Development directors.

Over two months, April until May 2018, a number of 124 organizations responded to the questionnaire.
Are you curious about the results?

Download the Summary of Innovation Management Survey 2018 here!

For more details, please contact Mihai Svasta or Raluca Androne.