
ICG Integrated Consulting Group Holding GmbH
Entenplatz 1a, 8020 Graz
Tel. +43/316/718940-0
Fax: +43/316/718940-40
e-mail: office@integratedconsulting.at
FN 321281 y, FG Graz


Manfred Höfler (Marketing)
Daniela Hütter (Marketing)
Martin Ferk (Marketing)
Gabi Frankl (Graphics & Design)
Azra Gradincic (Graphics & Drawings)


Much (Michael Unterleitner)

Concept and Design

moodley brand identity

Right of Use

Copyright by ICG
In the event that articles/graphics are printed/published in other media, we would ask that you obtain our consent.


Despite checking the content of external links thoroughly, we accept no liability for the content of those links. The operators of linked sites are exclusively responsible for the content of those sites.